Better late than never – PC gamers will be happy to know that Android version 2.0.7 of the popular Steam social network and game distribution store brings with it a complete redesign of the app to follow Google's Material Design guidelines.

As always, you won't be doing any gaming from this app as Steam doesn't sell mobile games and won't stream desktop games to mobile devices, but you can do just about everything else; purchase games, message friends, access the Steam Guard authenticator, and more. We'll keep you posted if we notice any other major changes.

For reference, here's a taste of what the app looked like prior to this update:

If you've had any doubts about how far Android has come since 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, let these two (horrifying) screenshots serve as a reminder.

The update hasn't propagated across Google Play yet, but if you head over to APK Mirror you can download it now (click here).